--------READ ME-------- This is my second track in total. I was told to improve my tracks' flow a bit, so I've attempted to do so here. The track is still difficult, but not as arduous as my first track (Sawdust Mill) was; a few sharp corners here and there, and the ramps near the end. Get that stuff down and you're all set. It took a while to make decently because of the wall issues, and the fact that the instances were not solid until I manually added a collision function to them. Notes about the track: 1. Narrow, sharp turns. 2. There is no reverse, but I intend on adding it some time. 3. There is a Star in Practice Mode. 4. The AI are very aggressive here. 5. There aren't any security lasers installed, but don't go trying to still steal stuff! I had a lot of fun making this track and I'm slowly progressing. Slowly, but surely. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks to Billster for the Museum track kit. -Biometal