--------READ ME-------- This is my second track in total. I was told to improve my tracks' flow a bit, so I've attempted to do so here. The track is still difficult, but not as arduous as my first track (Sawdust Mill) was; a few sharp corners here and there, and the ramps near the end. Get that stuff down and you're all set. It took a while to make decently because of the wall issues, and the fact that the instances were not solid until I manually added a collision function to them. Notes about the track: 1. Narrow, sharp turns. 2. There is no reverse, because I don't know how to add it yet. 3. There is a Star in Practice Mode, and it is very difficult to reach. 4. The AI are very aggressive here. 5. Infared security lasers have been installed. Do not steal anything from the building! 6: No mirroring effects, because I don't know how to use MKMirror yet. 7: Green. I had a lot of fun making this track and I'm slowly progressing. Slowly, but surely. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks to: Billster for the Museum track kit GO_AWAY for showing me how to use prm2ncp And no one else, because no one else helped. TOOLS USED: "MAKEITGOOD" Editing Mode, RV-Glue, MSPaint, Gimp Ver.2.8.4, laptop, my eyes, brain, and hands. Bugs: 1. There's a bump in the left curve turn before going down the first slope. I cannot get rid of it, as it's imbedded into that instance. I'm sure someone else may know how. 2. Parts of the ground have became transparent after I used RV-Glue. I don't know how to remove that either, nor why it happened. So just ignore it and enjoy the super-cool X-Ray vision it gives you. -Biometal