____________________________________________________ **IMPORTANT** THIS LEVEL REQUIRES RVGL 20.0905a (or higher). This level may be locked depending on championship progress. Unlock reversed mode by beating time trial challenge time. ____________________________________________________ DOWNTOWN 2 Length: 916m Length(R): 910m Difficulty: Extreme Time Trial: 1:01:00 Time Trial (R): 1:05:00 Practice Star: Yes Created: 07/04/2023 ____________________________________________________ Description: New Volt City is bustling and ripe for RC mayhem! Tour the hottest destinations in the city, from cozy restaurants to busy shops! Navigate tight alleys and share the road with impatient drivers during rush hour. ____________________________________________________ Patch - 7/9/2023 -Fixed minor vertex color errors -Fixed texture mapping/distortions on subway entry walls and the wall after the delivery truck. -Fixed texture wrapping on ajar shutter door -Fixed opacity of station ticket windows ____________________________________________________ Developers: GJ -Models -Textures -Objects -Animations -Lighting and Shading -Triggers and Cameras -Visiboxes I Spy -Color Design and Pallette -Visual Design Advisor -Animation Advisor -AI Nodes Advisor -Sound Recording and Curation Kipy -AI Nodes -POS Nodes -Reversed modes -Other makeitgood shenanigans/feedback/etc where applicable Music is demo track from Toys in The Hood by Acclaim Studios Made with Blender Plugin ____________________________________________________ Stats: World Faces: 10,234 With Instances: 15,617 NCP Faces: 2,054 Development Time: 10 Months ____________________________________________________ Trivia: -SprinterXL is featured on the mailbox logo. -Fulon Street is a reference to the car FulonX, and is also a double entendre for Fulton Street in New York City. -28 Street is a reference to the 28 stock cars for Re-Volt. -The metro map is a duplicate of the New Volt City map from MetroVolt by Human. This track is at the red/green junction south of Metrovolt. -Wheat Flakes is now on TV! You may recognize it from the breakfast table in Home 1. -Bunny and Beef 2: Escape from Orbit, is a sequel to a movie poster from Frontend. ____________________________________________________ IMPORTANT -Items in this directory are built and designed by GJ and I SPY. -Please consult GJ before altering or reusing assets outside of personal use. (I'm lenient about asset use, don't be afraid to ask) -Feel free to distribute as is without taking credit from the developers. -Do not alter this Readme file, and include it in this directory if distributing to friend, family, or whomever. -This track directory is free to download and use, it is not for sale and not to be sold. Period. Re-Volt Hideout https://forum.re-volt.io/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2090 Email (I don't check this too often) grnthn2@gmail.com Discord .?#8017 (replace ? with coffee mug emoji) I SPY is reclusive, but if all else fails you can try to contact him instead. He also isn't a spy that's just his name. We hope you thoroughly enjoy this track, Thank you :)