Thank you for taking the time to open this (whether intentionaly or not). Please keep reading. ____________________________________________________ **IMPORTANT** THIS LEVEL REQUIRES RVGL 20.0430a (or higher) TO RUN. This level locked until the Bronze Cup championship is won. Unlock reversed mode by beating time trial challenge time. ____________________________________________________ HOME 1 Length: 237m Length(R): 237m Difficulty: Easy Time Trial: 0:19:00 Time Trial(R): 0:19:00 Practice Star: Yes Created: 05/13/2020 ____________________________________________________ Description: Small, fast-paced action on the ground floor of a cozy family house. All the while, a light rainstorm endlessly drizzles outside. ____________________________________________________ Developers: GJ -Models -Textures -Objects -Animations -Lighting and Shading -Triggers and Cameras -Sound Effects -POS Nodes -AI Nodes -Visiboxes I Spy -Original Theme Pitch and Idea -Color Design and Pallette -Visual Design Advisor -TV Animation Frames -Animation Advisor -Concept Art -AI Nodes Advisor Made with Blender Plugin Music is Fabulous/Cheesy by Qvarcos ____________________________________________________ Stats: World Faces: 5,555 NCP Faces: 1,207 Development Time: 5 Months ____________________________________________________ Trivia: -The home theme was first planned as far back as 2013, though the layout and setpieces were different in concept. -The piano interior and keys textures are a top down render of a hi-res grand piano model GJ built. The mesh was repurposed and poly-reduced for the piano instance ingame. -Rain was added to the theme to differentiate it from other interior tracks, and to have the rain affect the house in a unique way not seen in tracks like Toytanic. It also has the narrative purpose of making it a rainy day in. -The green floral couch pattern is an actual sofa fabric from GJ's childhood home. Who even has floral couches anymore? -The cereal box, rings, and oatmeal are borrowed from an earlier, unreleased project. -Some of the earlier resorces gathered for the TV animation were strange. A caveman stabbing a large duck, for example. -The animation on the TV is part of a WB animation from the 1940's that lapsed into the public domain. -picture1.prm includes an 1893 painting by Eugene Boudin. -picture2.prm includes an 1871 painting by Claude Monet. -picture3.prm is a portriat of Re-Volt dev Simon Harrison at his office. ____________________________________________________ IMPORTANT -Items in this directory are built and designed by GJ and I SPY. -Please consult GJ before altering or reusing assets outside of personal use. (I'm lenient about asset use, don't be afraid to ask) -Feel free to distribute as is without taking credit from the developers. -Do not alter this Readme file, and include it in this directory if distributing to friend, family, or whomever. -This track directory is free to download and use, it is not for sale and not to be sold. Period. Re-Volt Hideout Email (I don't check this too often) Discord .?#8017 (replace ? with coffee mug emoji) I SPY is reclusive, but if all else fails you can try to contact him instead. He also isn't a spy that's just his name. We hope you thoroughly enjoy this track, Thank you :)