LAVA CIRCUS This is my second attempt at original 3D modeling - and my first Re-Volt track ever made! Name - Lava Circus Author - The Green J Length - 527 meters Difficulty - Easy Software used - Blender,, PowerPoint, Audacity, RVGL's MAKEITGOOD, Anvil Studio, Keppy's MIDI Converter Story: It was a stormy day in GJ and I_Spy's Home tracks. The TV showed "Movement Kids" - a preschool show that uses song, movement, and storytelling to convey the themes of exploration and discovery - broadcast on RV-TV Junior, and connected to the set were a DVD player with the movie "Elephants and Lions", and a VoltStation with the fighting game "Fists of Combat". As RV-TV Junior was airing a "water" episode of "Movement Kids", an unlucky lightning strike hit a nearby powerline, not only causing a brownout, but merging the three mediums into one dimension; not only were the Movement Kids were teleported and stranded into Lava Arena - the volcanic level of FoC - but the circus came from Elephants and Lions and the two worlds collided. And when FoC's main villain Mesmolasses came in, boy, were those kids in for it. Mesmolasses hypnotized Courtney, Bridget, and Everett to perform a dangerous new stunt show called the "Lava Circus". It was a cruel and unusual situation, since the Movement Kids were never the victims of their problems, nor have they actually performed in a circus. Garland got lucky - he stood out because instead of teleporting him to the arena with the other three Movement Kids, the strike gave him super powers that will help him save the day. While we wait for him to come to the about a Re-Volt race? Trivia: - This track has a few models I have created for my Carnival Props kit, namely the high wire and unicycle. - The names for the circus acts mean different things: - "Ball of Fire" doesn't involve a "fire"-"ball" - it involves balancing a rubber "ball" over "fiery" lava. - "Burning Wire" doesn't mean an electrical "wire" that "burns" - it means walking a high "wire" over "burning" lava. - "Wheel of Torture" doesn't involve a breaking "wheel" used for "torture" or a "wheel" used for knife throwing - it means a one "wheeled" unicycle on a tiny platform in a circus of "torture". - This track is part of my "dream tracks" collection. - A "dream track" is a mix of Re-Volt's community-created circuit tracks and RC tracks. It has the raceline of a fictional F1 track and the environment and/or story of a dream, nightmare, or fantasy. - My planned future tracks include: - A world of 2D and 3D shapes, loosely reminiscent of Qworld by cicaobe - A 1950's farmhouse gone bizzare - A warped ghost train - My sister Courtney helped with the AI nodes. Inspirations: - Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 2 (2010 iOS game), for the track "Wacky Volcano" - Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012 DreamWorks Animation movie), for the circus and tightrope walking idea Credits and thank-you's: - For the references in the story: - GJ and I_Spy, for the Home tracks - Keyran, for RV-TV - Phimeek, for VoltStation - David R. Sky and Steve Daulton, for the "Chimes delay" Nyquist plugins for Audacity (I used Version 3 for sounds). - Frank Wen, for the Fluid R3 SoundFont I used for my original composition for this track. - Last, but not least: The Re-Volt community as a whole, for keeping the game alive for years (and decades)!