----- readme for " Unit 51 "------ To install: Unzip 'unit51' into the main Re-Volt folder. Track Name: Unit 51 Track Type: Extreme Author/Nickname: Josh Pinto (PIN) Email: pinto@dsl.pipex.com Web: www.revoltonline.co.uk Track Length: 679 meters Description: Unit 51 is a disused warehouse on the Slough Trading Estate, a few doors up the road from paper merchants Wernham Hogg. Some believe that at night strange things go on there and reports of eerie lights and noise are common!, rumour has it that years ago aliens landed and used Unit 51 as a base for scientific experiments on humans.... ---------Known Bugs------------------- Sometimes the human driver gets repositioned underneath the ramps in turn 1 and on the conveyor, if any one has any ideas on how to fix this please let me know.... ------- Acknowledgments -------------- Acclaim for this fantastic game! This track was made from the Warehouse level kit by JimK. The digger prms have been made by BurnRubr and I have used the Pink Floyd prm from Pat S's Domestic Disturbance track, remapped with the Alien Faces, lighting effect from Supertards Daytoya track and Alex Coombes created the alien. Manmountain has completely reworked the AI, pos nodes & track zones to a standard far better than my first attempts, Hilaire9 for help with RV Glue, Textures from the web and Alex Coombes for advice on the appearence. Thanks to everyone in the Mirc chat room for help 24/7. Programs used: MAKEITGOOD editor, rvtexmap, rv-sizer, Photoshop, RV Glue. Thank you to all who had a hand in making these programs available. This is my first attempt at a track for Re Volt and I have enjoyed making it, I hope you enjoy racing it too. Josh