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New Track : Into the pit you shall go by Mladen007
 Track Review :-
 This is based in a tile lined corridors/rooms/bathroom under the ground. It is a very fast track and has lots of jumps and obstacles but
the main this is that all the parts have the same coloured tile so you need to learn this track well and memorise it so you race it from
memory rather than from where you are. There are several places where you can get disorientated and some corners have another corner just
after! Learning this track takes a while as there are in some places a large area with several routes through them. Hopefully I chose the
best ones but could be a quicker route there. I had to turn down the brightness, so I could make out the track better and race easier on it.
Overall a fun track to race on that could do with some extra colours or other objects to aid your lap.
Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Spooky-Volt Xarc A spooky track that is fast and fun.
2nd Golden City Circuit Josh Scorpius A long version of this track area
3rd Golden Autumn 2 Josh Scorpius Short with lots of turns
4th Golden Autumn Josh Scorpius Short with lots of turns
5th Curves and Caves Dave-o-rama Very hard and bumpy
6th Into the pit you shall go Mladen007 Fast with lots of corners.
7th Rainbow Road Floke901 Easy and fast, very coulorful
8th Rooftop Chase scloink and triple6s Modified pool section but still a very good track.
9th Sideways Sanctuary D Saffron Short fast, lots of turns. Very Hard.
10th Sideways Sanctuary C Saffron Short fast, lots of turns. Very Hard.
  Track Info    
Track Name Into the pit you shall go Timed Race Pic Below
Author Mladen007 Time Trial Pic 1:06.465 minutes
Length 1004m  
Flow 70.30 %
Track Difficulty 4.24 %
Fast Lap Time 1:07.095 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 9:16.683 minutes
Archive Date 14-Oct-2018
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  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32 Time Trial Lap